What we do for you

As part of our service procedure, we will take the following steps to ensure that we cover all aspects of your business operation.

Manage – Maintain – Monitor Our Mandate in plain English

  1. Firstly we will carry out an assessment based on the information you provide. FREE OF CHARGE.
  2. The assessment is basically to verify your tax compliance which include claiming of correct deduction under the guidelines of ATO, Division 7A implications, which relates to directors’ loans, PSI/PSB related to subcontracting, your relationship with the ATO, your debt management and Taxation liabilities, your ability to budget your finances, your risk profile and finally your future goals and objectives. We also require a full disclosure of your financial affairs, especially if you have concern about your past activity relating to Taxation.
  3. If the resultant of the assessment is positive, we will agree to sign you up initially as a casual client and later a retainer depending on your needs.
  4. We will ask you to provide us with an amalgamated budget (on our template) which enables us to have a holistic overview of your financial position.
  5. We will ask you to prepare your timelines and provide a layout of your home for us to establish maximum deductibility of your home office for Business or PAYG use as per ATO’S related rulings and guidelines.
  6. We will keep you informed of all developments by providing you a CRA (Client Running Agenda) initially
  7. We will first ensure that all your operational activities are complaint and fall within the guidelines of the ATO
  8. We will attend to resolve all your outstanding ATO’s debt issues or others if any
  9. Design and construct a Chart of Account (all items on your profit and loss) which are tailored to your business activities.
  10. Restructure your Business / Trustee’s activities to minimise your Tax, maximize business deductions and set up income distribution strategies. We are of the opinion that it is mandatory to build your future on a solid foundation.
  11. Fulfill all your bookkeeping needs, prepare, and lodge your tax returns.
  12. Expand your wealth by channeling the income towards tax deductible expenses as per your activities.
  13. This reformatting of your income structure will not only be beneficial to you in the years to come but will also have a compounding effect in multiplying your wealth with minimum of tax worries secured by a safety net. The Trust (depending on the structure)
  14. All expenses incurred on any investments (property portfolio) for upkeep and improvements are 100% deductible in one form or the other. Outright, Amortized or capitalized.
  15. As the value of the projects increases so does your wealth, locked up in brick and mortar
  16. Call it your wealth fund if you please. You can borrow against it and acquire more investments, offsetting one against other.
  17. We will structure the serviceability of these projects from your disposable income. without this disbursement the income would be taxable
  18. We will keep you informed of all related ATO’s Guidelines, Fact sheets, Rulings, or any Notifications if need be
  19. Think ahead, Think Big, Think Positive
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